Saturday, November 9, 2013


In dehradun, there is some Jainism temples and a lot of Jainist.
Jainism is the oldest religion in India and popular Jainist is King Ashoka.

It has started in B.C. 5 and it is known as thought of non violence (Ahinsaa)
and hard self-torment. It affected many parts of Indian culture
and now their thought is left in India.

Jainism understand that all of things in our world have soul, like plant, animal and fire,
water, land, wind, atmosphere. therefore they concentrate not to kill them strictly,
and to care about their dicipline. Jainist worship for real all of beings.
Whenever strict jainist walk outside they have s broom.
they sweep and remove small insects like ant for not stepping it.

The most important way to keep Ahinsaa is fasting.
and the most ideal way to death is from starvation.
it is the most strict and nowadays there is not strict jainist.

So all i want to say is we should learn importance of things from jainism.
In japan there is a lot or restaurant, everyday they waste many many foods.
when I was secondary school student, I worked at convenience store.
(convenience store is kind of small size supermarket)
we sold lunch box and bread.
if those kind of food were left, even though it is not spoiled.
we have to throw away all food within that day.

Obviously we belong our mother earth, animals and plants and fishes also.
Human beings shouldn't think about themselves,
we have to try to live together.
if it is possible, the environment of us would change drastically better.