Monday, November 11, 2013

【印語】Hindi class

My Hindi class started from today, I was really enjoying it.
but actually I was wondering whether I have to concentrate to study English or not.
After all I decided to study Hindi because I could study English in Japan,
as long as I want to. If I want to study Hindi in Japan, it would be very difficult.

First of all, I learned Hindi vowels, It has 12 kind of vowels.
I was surprised at that, Japanese has only 5 kind of vowels.
These kind of vowels is

■Hindi vowels(सअर)---------------------------------
अ(a) अा(aa)
इ(i) ई(ii) उ(u) ऊ(uu)
ए(e) ऐ(ai)
ओ(o) औ(au)
अं(an) अ:(ah)

अ: (ah) came from sanskrit, so any Hindi words never start from अ:(ah).
so I described Hindi has 12 vowels except for अ: (ah).
Today's lesson is very very basic and already I've known about Hindi vowels.
I got little boring but the teacher is much familiar with language history, and
she has good English skill also, therefore I was really satisfied.

All of language in the world comes from sanskrit,
e,g, "brother" in EN came from Bhai in HI.
and it has changed while it was transported between India to UK.

Off course I recorded this class by voice recorder,
if you want to listen, pls let me know,
and let's study together and go to India to communicate with them in Hindi.

I'm looking forward to tmr class,and final travel after all class finish,
because I want to try Hindi to make my travel
more interesting. Therefore it would be more great travel.

फिर मिलेंगे